Category: memoir


Whorephobia: Strippers on Art, Work and Life

Sexwork & Stripping. On & off stage, under the lights or in the dark; back in the day, until today. For me, it would never as good as the first time.

grey gardens 11372, memoir

Not crazy, but like crazy

I sniffed my mother’s armpit. Last March, after the fall that fractured her L1 vertebrae…



Fifteen years ago I was on the phone when he said, “Hold on, I think the boiler just exploded,” and put the phone down. After a few moments, “I gotta go. There’s body parts and plane parts all over. I gotta go.” He worked at the Marriott Hotel opposite the World Trade Center and it was early and the story hadn’t hit the news yet.

memoir, previously published

Lesson Number One

Previously published: BUST Magazine Spring/Summer 1996 (as Scarlett Fever) He pushes me inside a yellow…

memoir, previously published

Dating for Dollars

Previously published: Johns, Marks, Tricks & Chickenhawks (Soft Skull Press, 2013); Best American Erotica, 1995 (Touchstone Book…

memoir, previously published

Killing Time

Originally published as “Lele” in Hos, Hookers, Callgirls and Rentboys: Professionals Writing on Life, Love,…



The thing about moods is they’re so mercurial, at least mine are.  The other day I was…


summer in the city

I walked through the new Washington Square Park, expecting to be disappointed, or at least…


daddy was a con man

Daddy was a con man. Not a thief, not a Catch Me if You Can…


in the name of the father…

How is it so easy to write about my mother, and so hard to write…


happily never after

I don’t know about little boys, hell, it becomes more and more apparent each day…


that was then: 1979

I open my eyes to a greasy tin ceiling & the smell of oil and gasoline.I’m…