Category: scribbler



Kicked out of a secret Facebook group for questioning its policies.


Fear Response(s)

Crazy was on my morning commute. This is New York, so that’s not unusual. Doesn’t…


Drive, she said.

On straddling the rip in the time/space continuum. Drinking, driving, smoking, and speeding. Some nights are just made for that, no matter how fast you’ve driven, how long, or how far you’ve come.


Makin’ Food My Bitch

I’ve been a vegetarian, a vegan, a pescatarian, and a locavore. For years I was off beef, but ate poultry. But, the more I knew the less I would eat, until my next “revelation.”


Praying for the Enemy

I spent a good part of dinner talking about a person who irritated me, who…


No, he says, you don’t.

I say I want to live in a small town. No, he says, you don’t….


Stand Up.

Every day I see the rights and lives and safety of women and people of color disregarded and crushed by white men in uniforms and white men of influence and white men with academic *futures*



Fifteen years ago I was on the phone when he said, “Hold on, I think the boiler just exploded,” and put the phone down. After a few moments, “I gotta go. There’s body parts and plane parts all over. I gotta go.” He worked at the Marriott Hotel opposite the World Trade Center and it was early and the story hadn’t hit the news yet.


In Praise of Literary Conferences

Have you ever wondered “What’s the deal with literary conferences and book festivals? Why should I bother?” Why go to literary conferences when you can read and drink from the comfort of your own home? Here’s why.


Scribbling all Summer

Me & my words. Literary leaps of faith across the Hudson, the country & the international dateline.

memoir, previously published

Lesson Number One

Previously published: BUST Magazine Spring/Summer 1996 (as Scarlett Fever) He pushes me inside a yellow…

memoir, previously published

Dating for Dollars

Previously published: Johns, Marks, Tricks & Chickenhawks (Soft Skull Press, 2013); Best American Erotica, 1995 (Touchstone Book…

memoir, previously published

Killing Time

Originally published as “Lele” in Hos, Hookers, Callgirls and Rentboys: Professionals Writing on Life, Love,…


Going Solo

Menopause was the best thing that could have happened to me. The vodka haze & hormone fog lifted, and if I wasn’t that hyper-sexual being, I’d have to redefine myself. (Previously published, October 2015, O, The Oprah Magazine)


Verbatim & Translation

Myra, turning to Sylvia: Sugar?
translation: You want the boy should put sugar in your tea?

grey gardens 11372

Shoot Me

what’s the sound of two edies talking? Big Edie: It wasn’t such a good day….

grey gardens 11372

Leave a Message at the Beep

Ma, just find me and leave me a fucking message.


Thinking About the Brownsville Rape

These are the facts, so far: On Thursday, January 7,  a 39-year-old man and the…


A Lesson in Loss: On the Death of a Friend

A friend of mine died this week. The older I get, the more often I’m…


Trigger Warning

It’s the stuff you don’t see coming you gotta look out for.


That Girl

Because sometimes the mirror has more than two faces, and none of them are mine.

middle aged lazy

Knees (and my vagina)

My vagina can crack the walnuts in my knees.

middle aged lazy


I’m oddly superstitious, by which I mean I’m superstitious about odd things, like red cars, green motorcycles, & numbers, like eight. I hate eights. This week, I turned 58.

middle aged lazy

I Am Bread

Because you are 96% water, and I am 96% bread.