Category: scribbler


and some day, never comes…

Some days I’m all Kumbaya Some days I’m all Fight Club Some days I’m all…


and now, a word about god

It took a long time for me to hear god talking, to know which was my crazy and which was God. Longer still, to have faith & be okay with God’s sense of humor…


ode to my depression

Alcohol was my answer to The Depression. My first answer. It worked for a while,…


sheeples, who need sheeples

sheeples : noun, plural of sheeple 1. people who are inordinately fond of sheep as…


1 funeral, 8 days & no napkins

The Results of the No Impact Experiment Week Day 1: Sunday: Consumption : Live a…


apples and oranges

Sometimes I just need a warm and cozy corner to chill between hot dates. New…


No IE log : Day 2 : Trash

No Impact Living is going to mean being conscious all the time. This is not…


The No Impact Experiment (No IE) log

Day One: Sunday : Consumption When I decided to take this challenge, I thought This…


job hunting AC/BC

Gone are the days of picking up a paper or picking a pocket. Everything from job hunting to theft is online now. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell one from the other.


the cruelest month

Deep in the summer I made a decision to support my local farmers, my own…


comfort & joy

Although I’ve never actually heard it, I’ve heard of Christian rock. I’m all for the…



No matter how old you are when you lose that second parent, you’re an orphan. It’s not the same as when you’re 5 or even 15, but when you’re 50ish it’s lonely.


crazy sweater

It’s so easy to see crazy when someone else is wearing it. I watched a…


colonoscoparty or there’s a party in my pants

I’m high risk for colon cancer. Okay, everybody gets something. I hadn’t minded until today….


fridays at green chimneys

I drive an hour north every Friday. This week, as I headed towards the upper…


trash menagerie

My head used to house seventeen screaming squirrels. They were totally over-caffeinated and raucous, climbing…


words & music : telling stories

I’m jealous of people who can make music. Anyone who can sling an instrument over…


the cowardly liar

What? How was I supposed to know? One minute I’m playing with a perfectly fine…


a much needed day off

I’m taking the day off to read. To just sit around and get lost in…


date night

I don’t date well. There was a time I really liked it, did it often…


food is love

I talk all the time about how I don’t remember events, but I do remember…



Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. I yelled at my mother once. I stole…


magnetic personality

I’m a wacky old lady magnet, as in, I attract wacky old ladies. This is…


open mic night

I took a leap of faith this week. One more in a long line of…