Category: scribbler
screaming into the void
Most of the time I think my writing is self-indulgent, that I’m writing into a…
I’m not dead yet
She was only 42 when she started missing her period and at first we thought…
I need a new drug
I’m looking for houses again. I have no money and I’m so Grey Gardens tied…
happily never after
I don’t know about little boys, hell, it becomes more and more apparent each day…
pretty girls
I see them on the streets & the subways. The pretty girls. The really pretty…
the facebook friend & flirt
Okay, I’ve already admitted to & been sanctified as, having more than a wee touch…
can you hear me now?
Sometimes when I go to a meeting or a presentation, or unfortunately even when I’m…
sometimes, you just listen
I’ve been seriously ill and hospitalized twice with colitis. Colitis is all about blood and…
be happy you’re neurotic
That was the title of a book on my parents shelf as I was growing up. I…
that was then: 1979
I open my eyes to a greasy tin ceiling & the smell of oil and gasoline.I’m…
tag, you’re it
I’m a total critter chick. Given the choice, I’ll almost always choose four legs over…
time & money
As in, given a choice, which would you choose? Thanks to the “economic downturn” I…
crackbaby & tender hearts
I can see my cat’s teeny pink boy nipples. I have the most annoying cat…
redlight greenlight
I drove blind pig drunk for five accident & ticket free years. Part of that time I…
incremental silence
The voices in my head are chitter chatter chitter chatter never ending — some days…