Search Results for: god


magnetic personality

I’m a wacky old lady magnet, as in, I attract wacky old ladies. This is…


a woman of a particular age

I never knew what that meant, a particular age. Then I got there, to that…


thank youse

I’m momentarily speechless. Actually, the truth is I’m momentarily self-conscious. Mostly, I write for me,…


in a pig’s eye

Find something you love, a service you can do that you really love. It’ll change…


keep it movin’

It would help if I knew where I was going. I don’t. I only know…


relative aging

It is entirely within the realm of possibility that a person would, at 53, have…


trudging the road…

I started this journey of sudden unemployment induced total life change very gung-ho. I had…


today is the first day of the rest of my unemployment…

In the general theme of be careful what you wish for,  two weeks ago I…


everything i know about the beach house

I started coming down here 15 years ago to be with my bff. It’s a…


up the country

I’m an hour outside the city and light years away from my world. I’m getting…


I’m not dead yet

She was only 42 when she started missing her period and at first we thought…


be happy you’re neurotic

That was the title of a book on my parents shelf as I was growing up. I…


that was then: 1979

I open my eyes to a greasy tin ceiling & the smell of oil and gasoline.I’m…