colonoscoparty or there’s a party in my pants
I’m high risk for colon cancer. Okay, everybody gets something. I hadn’t minded until today….
fridays at green chimneys
I drive an hour north every Friday. This week, as I headed towards the upper…
trash menagerie
My head used to house seventeen screaming squirrels. They were totally over-caffeinated and raucous, climbing…
words & music : telling stories
I’m jealous of people who can make music. Anyone who can sling an instrument over…
the cowardly liar
What? How was I supposed to know? One minute I’m playing with a perfectly fine…
magnetic personality
I’m a wacky old lady magnet, as in, I attract wacky old ladies. This is…
a woman of a particular age
I never knew what that meant, a particular age. Then I got there, to that…
loss & love
Tommy died of old age, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be. We’re supposed…
service center
Service will change your life. Maybe not, but it changes mine. Every time. This week…
eating locally : checking in
It’s been over a month since I made the commitment, inspired by Barbara Kingsolver’s Animal,…
getting there from here
I have a definite writing process. First I put down the basics. Where’m I starting…
looking for the loophole
If I’m calling around to see if what I have in mind is ethical or…
thank youse
I’m momentarily speechless. Actually, the truth is I’m momentarily self-conscious. Mostly, I write for me,…
10 random acts of good karma
This is how easy it is to spit into the karma pool every day. Report…
in a pig’s eye
Find something you love, a service you can do that you really love. It’ll change…
relative aging
It is entirely within the realm of possibility that a person would, at 53, have…