
Woodstock Bookfest
Story Slam 2024
“That’s not what I meant…”

Story Slam 2023
“But what if it was all a dream?”

NYPL Whorephoba 2023
“Robbie’s Mardi Gras”

Middle Aged Lazy

Middle Aged Lazy #1

Middle Aged Lazy #2

Middle Aged Lazy #3

Middle Aged Lazy #4

Middle Aged Lazy #5

Middle Aged Lazy #6

Middle Aged Lazy #7

Middle Aged Lazy #8

Middle Aged Lazy #9

Middle Aged Lazy #10

Middle Aged Lazy #11

Sex Worker Literati


The Chalice

Hos, Hookers, Call Girls, and Rent Boys promo interview with David Henry Sterry

Lesley University
2013 Graduation Speech